Monday, November 13, 2006
3 Republicans Announce Bid for White House in 2008
John McCain has announced he is launching an exploratory committee to determine if he should run for President.
Ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Guilliani has announced he is running.
Ex-Congressman Newt Gingrich is expected to announce his intentions to run as well.
That gives the Republicans one unknown, one flip-flopper, and 2 adulterers. Looks like the Republicans are in the lead once again.
Republican Dirty Tricks -- Since the GOP Policies Can't Attract Voters, They Cheat
This behavior is unacceptable and the Republican National Committee and the Michigan GOP should denouce it.
But they won't. Why? Because they support dirty tricks.
The only way the Republican's can win is to use dirty tricks. There just aren't enough wealthy people out there to vote for them. They have to cheat to win.
But winners never cheat and cheaters never win.
Both Ehrlich and Steele lost their elections.
Republicans Demand Democrats Balance Budget & Be Fiscally Responsible
Funny how whenever the Democrats are in charge the Republicans call for a "balanced budget amendment".
Why don't they ever just pass a balanced budget amendment when they are in charge?
Heck, why didn't the Republicans EVER even pass a balanced budget in the past 6 years?
In 2008 the Republicans will likely try to pin the huge national debt on Democrats even though it is all the fault of Bush and the Republicans in Congress who gave tax cuts to the rich while spending more than any other Administration in history.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Democrats Get Out the Vote & Republicans Try to Suppress the Vote
We have already documented various abuses in nearby states.
These abuses by the Republicans include
* distributing fliers trying to confuse voters about their polling place location or day and times
* repetitive robocalls that call and call and call the same home after the person hangs up
* attempts to intimidate voters at their polling place
Interfering with elections is a felony.
Telephone harassment is a crime under federal law (18 U.S.C. Sect. 371 and 47 U.S.C. Sect. 223, Conspiracy to Engage in Interstate Telephone Communications with Intent to Annoy or Harass).
As noted above, we have "moles" on the inside documenting and reporting these abuses and the people responsible in the Republican Party.
Just wait until these high ranking Republicans see themselves on TV conspiring to commit felonies. They will not only be prosecuted criminally, but we will be showing the voters how corrupt the Republican Party really is.
Operation Infiltration is in Full Swing
We have always had good teams on the outside -- watching at the polls, reporting dirty tricks in the neighborhoods, etc.
This year, with the cooperation of some "volunteers" we have seen the inside of their operation. We are watching, documenting, and recording everything. We will have information not just on what the dirty tricks are, but who is responsible for them. Plus, we are preparing audio and video "evidence" of the wrong doing.
Anyone planning on trying to suppress the vote beware: You are being watched and you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Interfering with an election is a felony, isn't it?
11/07/06 at 13:40 p.m.: Evidence of Senator Allen's attempt to suppress the Vote.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
DeVos Has His Own Personal Airline!!
DeVos' family have 14 airplanes. Most of them big ole' jet airliners
Check out the photos of the DeVos airline.
Here are a few pics just to peak your interest:
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Information on Scandalous GOP Candidates Across the Country!
Apparently Republicans really do have a culture of corruption.
--AZ-Sen: Jon Kyl
--AZ-01: Rick Renzi
--AZ-05: J.D. Hayworth
--CA-04: John Doolittle
--CA-11: Richard Pombo
--CA-50: Brian Bilbray
--CO-04: Marilyn Musgrave
--CO-05: Doug Lamborn
--CO-07: Rick O'Donnell
--CT-04: Christopher Shays
--FL-13: Vernon Buchanan
--FL-16: Joe Negron
--FL-22: Clay Shaw
--ID-01: Bill Sali
--IL-06: Peter Roskam
--IL-10: Mark Kirk
--IL-14: Dennis Hastert
--IN-02: Chris Chocola
--IN-08: John Hostettler
--IA-01: Mike Whalen
--KS-02: Jim Ryun
--KY-03: Anne Northup
--KY-04: Geoff Davis
--MD-Sen: Michael Steele
--MI-09: Joe Knollenberg
--MN-01: Gil Gutknecht
--MN-06: Michele Bachmann
--MO-Sen: Jim Talent
--MT-Sen: Conrad Burns
--NV-03: Jon Porter
--NH-02: Charlie Bass
--NJ-07: Mike Ferguson
--NM-01: Heather Wilson
--NY-03: Peter King
--NY-20: John Sweeney
--NY-26: Tom Reynolds
--NY-29: Randy Kuhl
--NC-08: Robin Hayes
--NC-11: Charles Taylor
--OH-01: Steve Chabot
--OH-02: Jean Schmidt
--OH-15: Deborah Pryce
--OH-18: Joy Padgett
--PA-04: Melissa Hart
--PA-07: Curt Weldon
--PA-08: Mike Fitzpatrick
--PA-10: Don Sherwood
--RI-Sen: Lincoln Chafee
--TN-Sen: Bob Corker
--VA-Sen: George Allen
--VA-10: Frank Wolf
--WA-Sen: Mike McGavick
--WA-08: Dave Reichert
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The MIGOP is Racist
The Grand Rapids Press had an article describing it in detail.
This type of activity is unfortunately typical of Saul Anuzis and the Michigan Republicans.
It is despicable and abhorrent behavior.
Anyone who has ever voted Republican should call Saul today and demand that he apologize. His phone number is: 517-487-5413.
Other Key Quotes from Little Dick
Dick at His Audition for Brokeback Mountain
- I mean, this is, uh, this is again said.
- Boy, that’s a hard question.
- Yes, the Governor needs to remember that the Governor’s not the Governor
- Well, to suggest that, I think, is to suggest that the people of Michigan can be bought, which as a citizen of Michigan I would find insulting.
- I am going to be my own economic development director. [Because I'm so good at communicating...]
DeVos Health Care Plan: Get a Job!!
Doesn't that just say it all?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
BUSHchard Shows That He Too Doesn't Know Any Answers!

Hey, and how about that BUSHchard tonight?!
He did a great job showing Little Dick some new techniques in how not to answer any questions.
He had his mantra memorized. Just repeat after me. "I am a lawman." "I am a small business owner." Rinse and Repeat.
The more robot-like you say it, the better.
Questions That DeVos Hopes Get Asked
These questions include the following stumpers:
- What is your favorite food?
- What is your favorite color?
- Have you learned to read yet?
- Can you write in script or do you still use block letters?
- Are you still afraid of the dark?
If you want to see just how exciting Dick DeVos is in real life, view one of his video blogs.
If you like George Bush, you'll love Dick "DeWeasel" DeVos.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Secret to Dick's Fabulous Tan
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
DeVos: Debate Day Photo Gallery
Debate Analysis
* At one point DeVos accused the Governor of "beginning right at the beginning". Gasp. How Could she!
* He also noted that "the governor asserted facts that are different" -- though he didn't tell us what they were different from.
* At one point DeVos said "We have not been able to get it done in our public schools." He didn't tell us what that was that was supposed to be done though -- painting the cafeteria perhaps?
* For a completely unknow reason he stated "
* DeVos shamed the SBT as a "bad tax". Tax, go to the doghouse. Bad tax.
* Then there is the classic line where he said, "The governor is not the governor." Nobody really understands why he said that or what he meant, not even Little Dick himself. Maybe he thought she was an imposter!
Why was DeVos crying at the end of the Debate???
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Is it George or Is it Dick?
Trickle Down Economics
Well, lucky for us, Dick DeVos is a trickle down Republican.
If it hasn't trickled down to you yet, you must not be working hard enough.
You better go out and buy some more AMWAY motivational tapes.
Dick DeVos Comes Out of the Closet
Gasp. He has been able to hide this part of his identity throughout the race.
DeVos Has the Ability to Create Temporary Low Paying Jobs for All!!!
With the help of Little Dick, there are plenty of low paying no-benefit jobs available in West Michigan.
The people that work at Amway are all temporary workers.
DeVos not only outsources to China, but he also outsources to temp staffing firms.
The people that work at Amway are only allowed to work part-time and for less than a year so that DeVos and Amway do not have to pay them any benefits.
These are low wage jobs.
These are just the kinds of jobs we need in Michigan. Like Betsey DeVos has already said, Michigan workers are paid too much. Dick DeVos and Amway are trying to correct that problem. As Governor, DeVos will make certain that no Michigan worker gets paid too much. In fact, his economic plan will make certain they are barely getting paid at all.
Saul AnewAss
Chair, Michigan Grand Ole' Oil Party
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Diversity in the Big Tent Republicants Party

Though we at the Grand Ole' Oil Party (GoOP) are often accused of being made up of wealthy and selfish white people (plus poor people who are dumb enough to believe our lies about how we care about their issues -- ha ha ha), we are the big tent party.
Take a look at our proud and diverse membership:
- Gingrich
- Giuliani
- Mark Foley
- Numerous Men in the Reagan/Bush White House
Serial Killers & Rapists
- Ted Bundy
- George W. Bush
- Jack Abramoff
- Duke Cunningham
- Bob Ney
- Robert Taft
Yes, we Republicants have quite an illustrious membership list. And we owe it all to our fearless leader.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Information More Important Than Anything you will Learn from the Debate!!
Find out here in this exciting, edge of your seat video blog.
This video will certainly peak your interest in tonight's debate!
DeVos: Even Better At Being Inarticulate than Bush!
As with Bush, the DeVos team is talking down expectations of their guy.
If you think Bush is inarticulate, wait until you hear DeVos! Our candidate is the BEST at being inarticulate.
If this were a Contest, we are confident our guy would at least be in the top 10 of the most inarticulate people in the world.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Republicans Decide that 800 Years is Long Enough for Any Law
Who needs it. Though the actual origin is under some dispute, it very likely goes back to at least 1215 which is when the Magna Carta was adopted.
800 years is a long time to keep a law on the books.
Literally translated, Habeas Corpus means "You have the body".
The Writ of Habeas Corpus is a Court Order that a prisoner be brought into the court so the court can determine whether the person has been wrongfully detained.
The Supreme Court has said that the writ is "the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action." Harris v. Nelson, 394 U.S. 286, 290-91 (1969) .
Sooooo, who needs it.
Not us.
At least that is the verdict from Congress this week.
Heck, us Republicans are just a progressive group. We like to keep our laws fresh. None of those stale old 800 year old ones. That is why we have been working so hard on shredding those Constitutional thingys regarding right to speedy trial, right to counsel, right to privacy, right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, blah, blah, blah. Boy O' Boy. Those liberals sure are a whiny bunch.
Boy, if we get one of those terrorist-lovin' longhair liberal freaks in the White House in 2008, we are going to have to revoke a lot of laws that allow the President to unilaterally decide who is a terrorist and who can be detained indefinitely without counsel.
Saul AnewAss
Chair, Michigan Grand Ole Oil Party
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Republican War on Terror Has CREATED MORE TERROR!!!
According to President Bush's own government report, the Bush Administration War on Terror has created more terrorists and made the world, and America in particular, less safe than before.
Gosh, if Bush can do that, just imagine what his little DeCeptive Dick could do as Governor. Or what his little Bushchard clone could do as a rubber stamp Senator.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes it is just priceless.
Ooops My Bad! I Guess the National Economy is Horrible Too!
For example, that pinko commie site "Bloomberg" that specializes in economic news is saying that
The U.S. lost its position as the world's most competitive economy to Switzerland as budget and trade deficits prompted a slide to sixth in the World Economic Forum's annual rankings.Switzerland jumped from fourth place last year and Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Singapore all overtook the U.S. with Japan, Germany, the Netherlands and the U.K. rounding out the top ten in the study of 125 nations by the Geneva-based forum.
Darn those neutral countries to hell! See if we ever save them from the Nazis. Oh wait, we didn't. Well, in my puny little revisionist mind we must have. Either that or they are just commie pinkos who hate America! They hate us for our freedom! (Apparently they don't hate us for our economy because their economy is better.)
Okay, look, I admit it is bad when Singapore has a better economy than the U.S. But this is not the fault of Little Dick DeVos. In fact, I'm sure when Little Dick reads this he will immediately fire some more people in Michigan and locate some more manufacturing in Singapore!!!
It must be Granholm's fault.
She keeps trying to blame President Bush for this single country economic disaster.
Whatever you do, don't read this part of that Bloomberg rag....
. . . the U.S. . . . ranked 69th for its economic environment with the government set to post a fifth consecutive annual budget deficit and after its current account deficit widened more than forecast last quarter to the second-largest on record.Oh, and just because "Bloomberg" was formed by that Republican guy named Michael Bloomberg, don't let them fool you. They are just a bunch of liberal crybabies. They just liked Clinton because the economy boomed while he was President. They have an irrational hatred for President Bush that has nothing to do with Bush's six year record of destroying our national economy.
Would we lie to you?
(Well.....yes we would. I certainly would. How do you think I got this job as the Chair of the Michigan Grand Ole' Oil Party (GoOP)? It is part of the Republican credo to lie. But don't tell anyone. It will be our little secret.)
Saul AnewAss
Chair, MI GoOP
Republican Lies of Interest 9-26-06
The evil Big Dick (Cheney) came to spread his poisonous personality to Michigan Republicans. I'd like to say some of his evilness rubbed off on me, but I was pretty evil to begin with so it is hard to say.
Big Dick did help Bushchard raise over $300,000 worth of evil money. Big Dick then helped the state party by laundering another $250,000 through the party (which we will quietly contribute to Bushchard).
Now, let me jump to something completely false and unrelated.
I will now unjustly attack Governor Granholm for forming a bi-partisan contingent of power brokers to lobby the fedreal government on behalf of Northwest Airlines. See, Northwest, which runs the largest airline hub in Michigan at Detroit Metro, wants to get the Detroit to Shanghai, China route.
So the Governor put together this bi-partisan group and has written letters to get support so Northwest can get this route.
That would not only help keep Northwest in business, but it would help keep Michigan as a major hub for Northwest. That of course would preserve jobs at the airline while also helping our auto industry as they work to tap the Chinese market.
But, as you know, I am the chair of the Michigan Grand Ole' Oil Party, or GoOP as we like to be called, so I can't possibly be honest and note that the Governor is doing the right thing.
I've scratched my brain -- at least I think it is my brain because I sit it on it all day long -- and I've come up with the idea of attacking the Governor for being a hypocrite because she "joined a bipartisan group of Michigan leaders to encourage increased travel and trade."
Of course now I have to confuse the issue a little more, so I think I'll accuse the Governor of running for the Senate.
Oh there goes my brain itching again. I better stand up and scratch it some more.
Saul AnewAss (I'm really a big ass, but a new one just sounds a little better.)
Monday, September 25, 2006
Cheney to Campaign for Little Dick and Bushchard
Republicans Ashamed to Admit They Are Republicans
DeVos doesn't mention that he is a Republican on his website.
We looked at the websites of the following Republican Congressmen: Knollenberg, McCotter, and Rogers. None of them mention that they are Republicans.
Even Republicans are ashamed to be Republicans these days.
Republicans Scramble to Spin DeVos Away from His Extremist Beliefs
They have spent months and millions of dollars trying to get Jobless Dick to focus on economic issues and to avoid the truth, i.e., that he has invested in China and is making millions for himself but nothing for Michigan workers and that he has radical and extreme social views.
* DeVos supports destroying the public school system by taking away precious dollars in funding.
* DeVos supports mandating public schools teach creationism as a science -- in direct violation of the Federal Courts.
* DeVos funds lawyers to file frivolous lawsuits against school districts so as to force them to waste their money on these frivolous lawsuits rather than spend it on educating children.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Close up of Betsey DeVos
Lies of Interest 9-21-06
47 Days until the Grand Oil Party finds out if Voters Know Our Candidates Are Extremists!!
PROMISE: "...we must teach religious doctrine to all school children"
RESULT: "If we can't teach creationism in Public Schools, then we must shut them all down and let our wealthy colleagues take their children to our private religious schools."
Sound familiar? Yes. Don't worry, DeVos is just as much of an extremist as the rest of the right wing controlled Republican party.
We believe the new curriculum should focus on why christianity is the only religion in the world that is correct, why we should continue our crusade against the infidels and non-believers, and how to make money through a pyramid scheme. Math, English and Science are overrated and unnecessary.
The U.S. economy has lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs since Bush came into office. Clearly, since he is a Republican, that is not his fault. Just because a majority of manufacturing jobs in the Country were located in Michigan and that Michigan was disproportionately impacted by Bush's failed economic policies is no reason to pin the blame on the President.
Clearly it is the Governor's fault. It is her fault because she is both a Democrat and a woman. We all know that Women aren't capable of handling important jobs. They should be home having our manly babies.
The DNA tests are back, and we have confirmed that Bush and Bushchard are identical twins from different mothers and possibly different fathers as well.
Bushchard's new ad is about new jobs. Particularly the new job he hopes to get this November because he has realized that he is entirely incompetent and unable to perform his current job.
If you want to see some really good lying, catch "Off Our Rockers" this week on PBS. We tell you some great lies about jobs and some even better lies about regulations in the state.
If you want to know when a Republican is lying, just check to see if they are speaking. If so, then yes of course they are lying! Only Democrats are foolish enough to tell the truth.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Lies of Interest
Iacocopuffs releases Ad supporting DeVos
Former CEO of coo coo for cocoapuffs released an ad yesterday supporting DeVos.
Today he admitted that he has severe dementia and doesn't remember what he did yesterday.
DeVos Does Not Believe He Has Evolved!

DeVos does not believe he has evolved. Those who know DeVos agree. He is not very evolved.
In fact, he is much like his friend George Bush.
See Freep article for more details.
Bushchard Running for Senate On Bush's Back
New Polls Confirm that We Are Losers
We are so pleased that the polls are starting to show the truth.
For those of you that don't understand polling, when we here at the G.Oily.P. are way behind our opponents, that means we are really winning, but that the polls, like reality, have a liberal bias.