Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Republican Lies of Interest 9-26-06

42 Days to Victory!!!

The evil Big Dick (Cheney) came to spread his poisonous personality to Michigan Republicans. I'd like to say some of his evilness rubbed off on me, but I was pretty evil to begin with so it is hard to say.

Big Dick did help Bushchard raise over $300,000 worth of evil money. Big Dick then helped the state party by laundering another $250,000 through the party (which we will quietly contribute to Bushchard).

Now, let me jump to something completely false and unrelated.

I will now unjustly attack Governor Granholm for forming a bi-partisan contingent of power brokers to lobby the fedreal government on behalf of Northwest Airlines. See, Northwest, which runs the largest airline hub in Michigan at Detroit Metro, wants to get the Detroit to Shanghai, China route.

So the Governor put together this bi-partisan group and has written letters to get support so Northwest can get this route.

That would not only help keep Northwest in business, but it would help keep Michigan as a major hub for Northwest. That of course would preserve jobs at the airline while also helping our auto industry as they work to tap the Chinese market.

But, as you know, I am the chair of the Michigan Grand Ole' Oil Party, or GoOP as we like to be called, so I can't possibly be honest and note that the Governor is doing the right thing.

I've scratched my brain -- at least I think it is my brain because I sit it on it all day long -- and I've come up with the idea of attacking the Governor for being a hypocrite because she "joined a bipartisan group of Michigan leaders to encourage increased travel and trade."

Of course now I have to confuse the issue a little more, so I think I'll accuse the Governor of running for the Senate.

Oh there goes my brain itching again. I better stand up and scratch it some more.

Saul AnewAss (I'm really a big ass, but a new one just sounds a little better.)

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